Parish News and meetings
September 12, 2024
What’s happening in Our Parish this week: September 13 – 21, 2024
- Confirmation Retreat from 9am
- Mass at 9:00am
- Alpha commences at 5pm.
- Ascent Youth group at 6.30pm in the parish hall
- Mass at 9:00am
- Intercessory Prayer group Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Saturday at 9:30-10:30am.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 11am.
- Choir practise for the Filipino Mass
- Vigil Mass at 6pm
- Sunday Mass at 930am
- Filipino Mass at 11.15am
- Divine Mercy Devotion at 3pm
- Sunday Mass at 5pm
- Mass at 9:00am
- Bible reflection prayer group at 10am
- Faith Circles at 2pm and 7pm via zoom
- Mass at 9:00am
- Alpha at 7pm
- Mass at 9:00am
- Book club at 10am
- Mass at 7.30pm
- Liturgy Committee meeting at 8pm
- Mass at 9:00am
- Mass at 9am
- Intercessory Prayer group Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Saturday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 11am.
- Vigil Mass at 6pm
Major Cash Raffle: We still have 60 books of tickets available so if you haven’t already taken home a book of tickets please take one today. The draw will be held on Sunday 13 October. Remember to return your books before the draw.
The Called and Gifted Program on Sunday 22 September from 11am is having the second series of prayer and formation to those who are volunteers and leaders in various ministries of our parish. Let us listen together to God’s wisdom on how he is using our talents and spiritual gifts to advance the kingdom of God. The program starts at 11:00 am and finishes at 2:30 at the Parish hall. Come with an expectant faith of hearing God more in your spiritual journey in ministries. For RSVP please contact the parish at 9603 7373 M: 0434 705 176.
Campfire Social Night on Saturday 28 September from 7pm. Come along for a family social event, singalong and games around the campfire. BBQ dinner will be included. The cost will be $20 for adults, $10 for children and $50 for a family. RSVP to 0434 705 176. The funds raised will support our upcoming foyer renovation. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer so you can rsvp your attendance for catering purposes.
The Bishop’s Annual Appeal will be promoted in our Diocese next weekend; “Our faith calls us to help one another through prayer and action. Offering dignified support and care for our retired clergy, who have always cared for us; and a sound and holistic formation of our young seminarians, our future priests, are my responsibilities as your Bishop. I seek your prayers and practical support to help me ensure that I can do this. Your donation to this appeal is very much appreciated.” + Bishop Brian Mascord
Recurring devotions & meetings
- Healing Mass is held on the first Saturday of each month at 9am.
- The Samoan Mass is on the first Sunday at 12 Midday:
- The Maori Mass is on the first Sunday of each month at 2pm.
- Youth Mass will be held on the second Saturday of each month at 6pm vigil
- The Filipino Mass is held on the third Sunday of each month at 11.15am.
- The Children’s Mass is held on the fifth Sunday (in months when there are 5 Sundays) at 9.30am.
- The Divine Mercy Devotion is held on the third Sunday of each month at 3pm.
- Holy Family Fellowship Prayer Group is meets on the fourth Saturday of the month at 7pm.
- Faith Circles meets every Monday at 2pm and 7pm via zoom.
- Bible Reflection Group meets each Monday at 10am.
- Alliance of the 2 Hearts Mass & Devotion meets on the first Friday of each month at 7.30pm
- Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10am.
- Children’s Choir meet on the third Friday of each month at 7.30pm.
- Children’s Ministry Gathering is held on the fourth Sunday of each month at 3pm.
- “Ascent” Youth Ministry Gathering; Our parish youth group has an official name! All 13-17 years old are invited to come along to Ascent YG on 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 6.30pm for a night of food, fun & faith in the parish hall as we #arisetogethertowardsheaven. Follow us on instagram @ascentyouthgroup and contact the parish for more info.
- Pastoral Care Team meeting at 9.30am on Friday 27 September.
- Fundraising Team meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 October at 7.30pm.
- Friendship group meets for morning tea at 9.30am on the first Tuesday of each month.
- Knitting group meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday from 11am – 1pm.
- Readers Ministry Meeting meets on the last Tuesday of every 2nd month at 7pm via zoom.
Pastoral Care in our Parish Our parish is blessed with a Pastoral Care Team who seek to spiritually support those in our parish who may not be able to attend Mass for a number of reasons; e.g., illness, bereaved, living in a nursing home, grieving or lonely. We aspire to be visible signs of God’s loving and caring presence in the life of a person who feels they need or will benefit from prayer and spiritual support. Prayer and a kind listening ear is often balm that promotes healing. This ministry is able to celebrate the Eucharist on such visits if requested. If you or anyone you know would like more information please contact the parish office.
Fundraising news: The parish fundraising team will be collecting “return and earn” bottles and cans this year. Please bring your bottles and cans that are recyclable for 10c to the parish and leave them in the signposted area for collection.
RCIA helpers needed: Appeal for parishioners willing to assist in supporting adults and children new to the Catholic faith in our parish. There are many small ways that you can make a difference. To have a conversation about this contact Diane, RCIA coordinator, via the parish office or leave your contact details with Sr Jill.
An invitation to join electronic parish planned giving from our Parish Finance Council: An electronic regular gift provides many benefits. You will find it a secure, convenient and efficient way to regularly support your parish, while also reducing our administration costs. It will also help us to confidently forecast and plan, as we know that we can rely on your support. You can increase, decrease, discontinue or restart your monthly gift at any time. Please visit to learn of the four simple ways you can support our parish electronically.
A New Vision for Parishes: Bishop Mascord has supplied multiple copies of Come and See Go and Make – A vision for Parishes in the Diocese of Wollongong for distribution amongst the faithful. Further to this, a short introductory video message from Bishop Mascord may be viewed / downloaded at Come & See, Go & Make: A Vision for Parishes resources may be found at .
Get Connected with what is on around the Diocese: Every week, there are many great opportunities to be part of special events, courses, free resources and to nurture and encourage you and your family in your faith. Stay informed by subscribing at or visit to see a full list
of notices sent to Parishes weekly.