On the third Sunday of January this year we celebrated Catechist Sunday. Catechists are parishioners from all walks of life that teach Special Religious Education (SRE) to Catholic kids in our State Schools. The children in Catholic SRE learn of God’s great love for them, among other essential messages of our Catholic faith. With more volunteer SRE teachers and helpers, we could reach more children across the Parish.
The Catechists in our parish go to St Andrews and Robert Townson Public schools each Wednesday to share our Catholic Faith and the love of Jesus with the students in the Catholic Scripture class This is important, life giving work that has a lasting impact on the young people that they teach. In our parish there are a number of classes that need additional catechists and classroom helpers on Wednesday mornings.
Training is offered in Scripture and classroom management skills. If you feel called to be involved in this ministry please speak to Sr Ninfa after Mass or at the parish office. Can you give an hour of your time a week to teach or help out in a classroom? Please speak to our Parish Catechist Coordinator if you would like to get involved.
Each week, hundreds of volunteers around the diocese answer the call to share our Catholic faith with Catholic children. Please keep in your prayers the work of Scripture Teachers, the children they teach in state schools and their families.
In the Diocese of Wollongong, wonderful volunteers in all Parishes help bring meaning and joy to the lives of young people through the teaching of SRE in state schools. You get great training, resources and support, so come and be part of our training in February in Wollongong or Campbelltown, or even online! Join the ranks of our 500 amazing Catechists who attend over 140 schools in our Diocese. Please pray for a smooth start for the ministry this year, for our Catechists, students and their families.
Have you ever wanted to know more about being a Catechist? Are you starting in the ministry? If you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact the Parish office.