Bible Studies and Faith Formation for 2024
FAITH CIRCLES – Via Zoom Mondays 2pm and 7pm
BIBLE SHARING – Mondays 10am in the parish meeting room
ALPHA – Dates yet to be determined
Bible Study and Faith Formation:
At particular times of the year, the parish offers courses in Bible study and Faith Formation. These include:
Lectio: Evangelisation and the Acts of the Apostles
Presenter: Dr Mary Healy
Duration: 10 weeks
Dr. Mary Healy combines insightful biblical study with Church teaching and practical advice to show how modern Catholics can effectively impact their world for Jesus Christ. She explores topics such as the call of Jesus to evangelize, the power of the Sacraments, the role of charisms for building up the Body of Christ, techniques from St. Paul for reaching a secular culture, and more.
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
Presenter: Jeff Cavins
Duration: 8 sessions
In eight videos, Jeff Cavins presents the story of salvation history from Creation and the Fall through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Church.
“I learned through this course that we are called to be disciples of Jesus not just fans. The story of the Bible is relevant and connected to the story of Jesus and our salvation.”
Unlocking the Mystery Bible Study Participant

The Big Picture: You the Bible and God’s Big Plan
Presenter: CaFE and Bible Society
Duration: 6 sessions
An inspirational Bible Course- helping people find their place in the big picture of salvation history.

“The Big Picture Bible Study expanded my knowledge of the Bible. I got to know the disciples, the apostles,
Meg, Big Picture Participant
the followers because as I read the suggested readings, I felt there were times I was there with them.”
Lectio Divina: Finding Intimacy With God.
Presenter: Dr Tim Gray
Duration: 6 weeks
Come and join other parishioners as we learn from Dr Tim Gray, as featured on the formed.org website, the practice of reading Sacred Scripture for prayer and reflection.
Small Groups:
Faith Circles occur regularly throughout the year in our parish. Faith Circles are faith sharing small groups aimed at bringing people together to share their lives and the ways in which Jesus is working in them through his Holy Spirit.
Lenten and Advent Groups: During Lent and Advent, small groups meet, to prayerfully reflect on the scriptures as they prepare for Easter and Christmas. They meet weekly throughout Lent and Advent using the Diocesan Lenten and Advent booklets to read and reflect on scripture together to better prepare for Easter and Christmas.
To enquire and register for any of these courses, please contact the Parish Office on (02) 9603 7373