We, the Parish of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, wish to extend a warm invitation and to accompany you on your Catholic Faith Journey.
The Role of the Parish:
A Christian family lives within a wider parish community, which also has a responsibility to share and nurture the faith within the family. Part of our responsibility is to assist families who are involved in the sacramental preparation process. The parish is responsible for coordinating sacramental preparation and providing faith education for both adults and children.
Who is eligible to receive the Sacraments?
As first teachers in faith you as parents are in the best place to judge when your child is ready to participate in the sacramental life of the parish community. The following however may be a useful guide to assist you in this respect:
First Reconciliation: Year 3 & above
First Holy Communion: Year 4 & above
Confirmation: Year 6 & above
The Role of Families:
Parents & Guardians are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith, particularly by the witness of their lives. Parents are also the best teachers of their children and they are the ones who shape the attitudes and values of their children and their involvement in sacramental preparation can never be replaced (cf; the Rite of Baptism for Children).
At Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish, we are here to assist you as you do your best as Christian parents. The keyword is “assist”, we are not taking over your responsibility as parents.
As such, it is essential that at least one parent/ guardian accompany their child to each of the sessions of the sacramental preparation process.
For More Details please view/download the Sacramental Letter.
RCIA: Rite Christian Initiation for Adults
Have you thought about becoming a Catholic, would you like to explore this question more fully within our community? Then this process may be for you. It is designed for adults wishing to join the Catholic Faith and for adults who have not completed the sacraments of initiation (Confirmation and/or Eucharist).
RCIC: Rite Christian Initiation for Children
Would you like your school aged child to be baptized and become part of our Catholic community? This process is for children of sacramental age who are not baptized.
For further information please enquire at the Parish Office 02 96037373