We the parents, request that our child receive the Sacrament of Baptism. We understand that Baptism establishes a bond between our child and God and thereby links our child with all others who are His followers.
We understand that Baptism initiates our child into the Community of Believers who follow Jesus Christ; that community on the local level is the parish church community. Our request for lawful Baptism implies that we as parents wish our child to be raised believing and living the values of the Christian community called the Catholic Church which says: “It is required that there is a well-founded hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic religion. If such hope is truly lacking, the baptism is to be deferred and the parents advised of the reason for this”.
As members of the Church, we believe all that Christ taught us and we wish to pass onto our child the faith that is ours, and so we will try to set example of true Catholic living. We know that the church encourages parents to promote prayer at home and obliges them to attend Mass on Sundays as an integral part of their Catholic lifestyle.
We understand that the Baptism of our child is the first step in a lifetime of faith and that in due time our child will mature through reception of other Sacraments – Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage.
Important matters to note for Baptism at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish:
• Baptisms are held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month for babies and children under the sacramental age. The ceremony commences at 11am. The parents and Godparents must be at the Church by 10.45am.
• Parent/s are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session. These sessions are held on the First Wednesday of each month at 7pm – 9pm. This is a time and opportunity for parents to understand more the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism and ask any questions regarding your Child’s Baptism.
• Babies must be dressed in White.
• Parent must bring a Baptism Candle.
• When choosing your child’s Godparents, remember that at least one must be a Catholic.
• It is customary to give a Donation to the Church for your child’s Baptism.