Confirmation is the second of the Sacraments of Initiation. It is closely related to Baptism and leads to the Eucharist which expresses full belonging to the Church, the body of Christ. Hence it is called a sacrament of initiation. Confirmation is a sacrament of empowerment. It gives the strength to follow Jesus and to become involved in the mission which Jesus left to the Church. For more information, contact the Parish Office on (02) 9603-7373.
- The date for Confirmation is 15th September 2024. Please complete the form and submit to the parish office with a copy of the child’s baptism and first holy communion certificate.
The Registration Process
Registration Form
Please complete the registration form if you wish your child to prepare for the sacraments in 2021. This form needs to be handed into the parish office together with copies of your child’s Baptism certificate(for all sacraments) and First Holy Communion Certificate (for Confirmation).Attend the Parent’s Information Evening: date to be confirmed.
Click on the first button to apply online OR download and fill in the form below and send to the parish office by email.
Retreat Day
The Retreat Day is a very special day when the children can prepare themselves away from normal distractions. Sacramental Preparations