First Holy Communion
The Registration Process
Registration Form
The first step is to complete the attached registration form if you wish your child to prepare for the sacraments in 2022. This form needs to be handed into the parish office together with copies of your child’s Baptism certificate. Forms need to be handed into the office as soon as possible. Children who applied in 2021 do not need to complete another application please contact the Parish office to confirm your form is available. Click on the first button to apply online OR download and fill in the form below and send to the parish office by email.
Attend Preparation Sessions
The second step is to attend the sessions as per the schedule. One parent/guardian is required to attend all sessions with their child. Sacramental Preparations
Rite of Acceptance Ceremony
This is a simple ceremony occurring at each Saturday evening Mass following the preparation sessions. It is a very meaningful way of allowing the whole community to join with you and your children as they prepare to receive a Sacrament. The dates for the ceremony have not been finalised for this year yet.
The Retreat Day
The Retreat Day is a very special day when the children can prepare themselves away from normal distractions.
More information
For more information, contact the Parish Office on (02) 9603 7373.